Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reading Response

I was so completely absorbed in this weeks readings from Literary Journalism book. They were two completely different reads, two completely different moods and structures, but both incredibly interesting and moving and very well-written. The first, "American Male Age 10," made me think about changing the way I approach our next piece. Which, given my ongoing anxiety with deciding what the hell to write about, did not help my decisiveness, but excited me about the profile in a way I hadn't been before. It was a way of doing a profile that is a lot more appealing to me then some of the pieces we've read. I don't know why but profiling a place or a making a more general statement (i.e. about American Males Age 10) is a lot more appealing, or probably just way less intimidating, then profiling a specific person. Even though A.M. Age 10 was about a specific little boy, it was also about gender, about broader issues that are relevant. I loved that.

Secondly, the story of Trina was very interesting and uniquely structured. The author put herself into it in a way that I would have really not supported if I had heard a pitch for the story. I think it was necessary to put "I" into it but I was worried through the whole thing that it would end up becoming about the author and not about Trina. I am interested to hear what others think about this.

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